lus·cious:[luhsh-uhs]–adjective highly pleasing to the taste or smell
love·ly:[luhv-lee]–adjective charmingly or exquisitely beautiful

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hello world.

So my foray into formal blogging went about as I expected. A flurry of exciting activity followed by deep neglect.

When I began this blog I had so much to say, so much to show people. I think I still do. But I know a bigger part of it was wanting a lifestyle without the work. I am smart, capable, crafty. I should be the Pioneer Woman, or Nicole from Making it Lovely. I have ideas and great communication. Shouldn't I just type a few sentences, post a few photos and magically have a book deal?

Maybe in another life. Because in this one, the world is over saturated with people like me, who really like to hear themselves talk. And that's okay. I may not ever get a book deal from my blog. I may never get sponsored posts or tons of followers, but I will get the satisfaction of putting my fingers on the keyboard and thoughts out of my brain. Here they are, in all of their glory, for all the internet to see.


Liz said...

You have a flair for this, Sarah, keep it up!

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